Our Vision and Mission

VisionTo prevent and mitigate violence, stimulated by underlying social issues in the US, in the pursuit of positive peace.

MissionTo build a national cohesion and peacebuilding infrastructure for the US, including an Early Warning Early Action system to prevent violence. Founded before the US 2020 elections and committed for the long term.


Key Principles

Local: Efforts to mitigate violence, solve problems and promote positive peace are effective only when local organizations are deeply involved.

Trustable: Data-gathering and inter-network communication are useful only when networks of trustworthy people are in place.

Reliable, Accurate, Timely: Effective intervention is made possible by getting the right information, at the right time, to the right people, for the right response. This requires thoughtfully-constructed protocols that are both functional and flexible.



Goal 1: Create a sustainable Early Warning / Early Action system 

  • The technical and human resource capacity for Early Warning Early Action

  • Included are online tools for reporting and tracking evidence of hate speech, incitement, and other forms of violence via text, images, voice, and video 

Goal 2:  Train and prepare responders

  • In a range of skills including unarmed civilian protection, de-escalation strategies, Inter-positioning, joint monitoring mechanisms, building safety teams, navigating high-level threats, facilitating difficult dialogues, and more 

Goal 3: Prepare messages for dissemination across platforms

  • Involve experts in social media and mass texting with targeted messages from respected leaders

Goal 4:  Leverage existing infrastructures

  • Within non-partisan civic organizations society looking to improve the civic space, to benefit from the competencies this network offers, through the coordination of the community-based dispute resolution members of NAFCM

Goal 5: Coordinate with key groups 

  • Such as journalists, municipal and faith leaders, police and community safety professionals, civic organizations, all to sustain a vibrant voting process in which all voices are heard

Goal 6Engage in violence interruption while building on local capacity

  • To address tensions and threats of violence

Goal 7: Ensure a lasting framework 

  • For use well after the elections as a permanent and vibrant resource for citizens, governments, and communities


We are melting the silos

We believe that the U.S. needs an urgent, coordinated multi-sectoral peacebuilding approach to address the causes of conflict and violence at home. This means building an infrastructure that includes organizations with the ability to focus on: 

  • community/cohesion building

  • countering radicalization

  • democracy & governance

  • digital peace technology

  • environmental and health justice

  • media and messaging

  • mediation and restorative practices

  • prevention of violence

  • security sector transformation

  • truth, transformation & reparation

  • unarmed civilian protection

  • violence interruption


Our Network

Our network is spread across the country.  Come help us build and braid it together.  

To see our local Convening Centers, go HERE.

To see our Partner organizations, go HERE.

We have individual Members (volunteers) across the country:


…and are part of an even wider community of people and organizations working for positive peace in our country:

Inividual TRUST Network Members (Volunteers)
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Convening Organizations

National Strategic Architect for the TRUST Network


Jennifer Grubbs