Please read on. The Sign-Up link is below.

Just by being a conscious, thoughtful observer of your local conditions you make important contributions to the early warning/early action system as a Community Monitor.  Then, together with your local colleagues and with the support of the TRUST Network, you can take positive action.

How You Can Help

Everyone who joins the Network is a Monitor: we count on you to know what’s actually happening in your community (not just what the media might think is happening). It is valuable to let our crisis mappers know when and where the trouble is brewing or flaring up and to be available for TRUSTworthy fact-checking. It is also valuable to report positive events: peacebuilding actions that worked, from which others can take heart, and learn.

In addition, you can help the TRUST Network thrive by

  • Spreading the message: message-spreaders bring information to their community to help counter dis- or misinformation and promote peace. It helps if you are or have connections to a media person or community leaders.

  • Responding to potential conflicts: if you have skills as a mediator, negotiator, or facilitator, you can help soothe tensions before they escalate to violence. Responders may be directly involved or have connections to help convene people who can promote peace.

A powerful way to help your community is to connect with others who also want to contribute. The TRUST Network will help you find those people.

How You Can Join Us

  • Fill out the form below.

  • The form will ask you to pledge to the Code of Conduct committing you to be safe, non-partisan, focused on nonviolence, and attentive to your assumptions and messages.

  • Take a training about how Early Warning Early Response works

You must also be willing to be in communication with us: be contacted by us for follow-up, and reach out to us if you need help connecting with your colleagues.